Living in a small space? Living in a large home? No matter which question pertains to you, there is stuff we all accumulate. Get organized with the following tips and tricks. Learn how to utilize typically wasted space and rid your home of clutter.
The shoe pockets that attach to the back of a door are now your best friend. These little pockets are inexpensive, transparent or cloth, and can store countless items. Because they are see through they make organizing easy, you can plainly see where things are supposed to go. Use these shoe holders in every room of the house. Because they hang on the back of a door, they hide messy clutter. Try hanging one on the back of a pantry door to store packets of snacks, sandwich bags, plastic dinner wear, condiment packets and whatever else that typically sit awkwardly on the shelves. You can even get super organized by storing take out menus and coupons.
Shoe organizers are perfect for the bathroom. Keep hairbrushes, blow dryers and other tools (after they have cooled off) in these see through pockets. The organizer is great for makeup, hair products, lotions etc. Anything that is traditionally found on the bathroom counter can be hidden away on the back of the door. When the bathroom is in use, the door is closed, which provides easy access to all of your necessities.
Jewelry pocket organizers are great for storing small items. These little organizers can also be hung or rolled up. Jewelry organizers are great for storing craft room supplies like beads and small stamps. If you like to sew, use this item to keep small bobbins, spools of thread, and various needles.
Rid clutter by hanging items. There are so many decorative hooks to choose from. Discrete hooks can be purchased as well. Utility hooks can be found at any grocery or hardware store. These hooks are easily installed and don’t leave a mess when removed. Use hooks to hang hats, scarves, keys, jewelry, dog leashes and tools. Hang items in the location where they are used. If needed, incorporate the hooks into your décor.
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