Today, we are going to take the time to find exactly what items you need in your nursery. New expecting mothers often make the mistake of going all out and purchasing items that will end up being a complete waste of money. To help, here is what needs to be on your list:
Of course, the first thing that needs to be on your list is somewhere for the baby to sleep. Whether you are set on a bassinet or a crib, this should be the first thing that you purchase. Before purchasing, make sure that the crib you selected is not on any recall lists. Also, when shopping for cribs, consider sticking with a basic model. Convertible cribs may be attractive at first sight, but they come with a hefty price tag. Plus, such cribs tend to look awkward when they convert to a regular bed. Just think, by the time your child is ready for a “big kid’s” bed, you will likely be over the style. Besides, think of how fun it will be to pick out a bed with your child when they get to that stage.
Changing Station
Since you will be changing diapers for at least the next two to three years, you will need to have a dedicated space for changing your baby. If your nursery is a bit on the tiny side, you do not have to take up extra space with a standard changing station. Instead, a simple changing pad that you can place on top of the dresser will suffice. Just be sure to purchase a dresser that is both wide and deep so that it can accommodate the changing pad, diapers, and other accessories.
Rocking Chair
Do not forget you will need somewhere to sit while you nurse and tend to the baby. Set up a comfortable chair beside the crib, and you can even include a side table to hold your phone and some reading materials.
You will definitely need someplace to store all those clothes, diapers, and toys that you were gifted to you at the baby shower. Plus, even if you have already got a free-standing dresser, you should expand your storage options. You can build a shelving unit into the walls and purchase some clear storage bins without the lids for easy access.
We hope you found these tips and tricks helpful! Please let us know your thoughts below in the comment section.
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