Are you looking to do more than simply refresh your design? While adding some simple elements to your home can help spruce it up, a remodel can really change the whole atmosphere. What does your home convey to you and your guest when you are there? Is your kitchen old and outdated? Do your bathrooms need work? If so, perhaps, it is time to remodel your space, and with these tactics, you can really change the whole dynamic of your home’s aesthetics:
A remodel is a larger project than just redesigning your home. You can have some parts of your home changed to help the atmosphere flow differently, and this is the best time to pick a design theme you would like in your home. Do you like Art Deco, Rustic, Scandinavian or Modern Design? Before you begin, you will want to have a general idea and purpose on what route you want to go with your remodeling project.
What style do you think will work best in your home? Typically, if your home has a look it architecturally follows, it is best to follow that styling. For example, if your home feels industrial, choose industrial flooring styles. If your home is a traditional style home, choose traditional flooring styles. Flooring is a crucial factor that can help remodel a room successfully. Take a boring spare bedroom and change it to a beautiful den with hardwood flooring or add a shower to a bathroom so you can explore different tiling options. From tile surrounds to hardwood floors, flooring plays a significant role in the design process. You will want to understand your needs then select the proper flooring for your space.
If you need help finding the best floors for your lifestyle and home, one of our expert sales representatives would love to assist you. Please do not hesitate to call or visit us for more information on products, our selection, and recommendations.
While not a full-blown renovation, walls are typically rarely moved during a remodel but can be in certain instances. Remodeling your bathroom may demand to remove a closet, where you are not eliminating load-barring walls or really changing the dynamic blueprint of the home. You can add backsplashes, wallpaper, paint, or shiplap to your walls to help give the space depth and accent the room. Your walls and flooring can create the whole entirety of the design you are looking to accomplish without breaking the bank.
Kitchen counters and bathroom vanities can flourish with a new beautiful countertop. From marble to granite and everything in between, countertops can give an elegant look to any atmosphere. Allow your countertops to complement your flooring and walls for a very balanced design.
With these three elements, a room can feel completely new! You will be astounded at the beauty a remodel can do to an outdated space. If your space needs more work, consider a full-scale renovation. Perhaps it is time to open the floor plan. In this case, check out the rest of our series to explore the benefits and tricks of renovating your space. For more insight on home improvements, make sure to subscribe.
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