When shopping for the perfect floors for your home, many variables come into play. Every room can have its own diverse sets of obstacles in which flooring systems have to well suited. For instance, in a room where hardwood could be the staple of the room’s aesthetics and quite durable, take that same flooring system and put it in a damp basement or bathroom, and it will fail. This reason is why there are several flooring options to choose from when browsing for flooring. In fact, one of the main advantages that carpet has to offer over nearly every floor is adding warmth to a room. Many homeowners love the fact that their floors hold warmth, and they can walk throughout their home barefoot. However, what if you could add heat to a versatile floor like tile. This factor could take one flooring’s advantages and give it just another flooring in order to make it a highly sought-after benefit. To further explain, here is what you need to know:
The Downside to Tile
Tile is extremely durable and visual-appealing as well. It has been around for centuries and highly desired to make atmospheres feel more enriched. Tiled flooring also serves as a great waterproof solution. However, have you ever stepped out of the shower and felt instantly cold because of your tile floors. This is because tiles can radiate heat. Without being heated, they start taking the heat from your body to warm themselves back up to a warmer temperature.
Heated Floors
Heated flooring is nothing new, but it has come a long way. One great thing about heated flooring is the ability to have uniformed heating. Plus, heated floors also are no maintenance and create no noise. If you are considering heated floors, you should keep in mind that the system is placed directly below the floor. This factor means your original floor height will be slightly raised. Additionally, heated floorings can be a more expensive investment in the beginning but also help “insulate” your home.
The choice is up to you. One of the main disadvantages of tile floors is the loss of heat and warmth. You can have this advantage back by investing in heated floors.
What do you think of heated floors? Do you want them in your own home? Share your thoughts with us below in the comment section!
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