We all want to live a happier life and enjoy the most out of it. While we all seek it, Denmark is living it. In fact, Denmark is the world’s happiest country. Yet, factors like perfect weather and no rush hour traffic are not how this nation became the staple of happiness. However, they believe in hygge (hoo-gah) – this is the Danish word that loosely translates to “well-being.” How they achieve hygge is through many elements and factors of life. Today, we are going to take a closer look at this popular way of living and teach you how you can achieve ultimate well-being.
What is Hygge?
Hygge is the feeling of comfort. It is not one or two things that create this feeling yet an overall lifestyle. Hygge is the idea of being able to set yourself apart from the daily high-pace atmosphere of the world and enjoy the moment. It is finding comfort in the small things.
How Can I Obtain This?
There are hundreds of ways that hygge can be obtained. Many find comfort by taking time out of their day to enjoy life. For instance, they go for a walk, make a cup of coffee, and enjoy the sunrise by meditating in the morning. These are all small elements that you can incorporate to help slow down the pace of life and live in the moment. When you think of hygge, imagine sitting cozied up in your favorite pajamas drinking hot chocolate by the fire. This sense of well-being and coziness is hygge! Trying to capture this moment throughout your day makes it the lifestyle.
Can I Bring This Style into My Home?
Yes, you can bring this philosophy into your own home design! While functionality is at the forefront of most designs, hygge should consider comfort and coziness. You do not need to invest in lavish goods or high-quality sofas to obtain this feeling. Hygge can be captured in your home by designing for comfort. For instance, keep your favorite blanket out on the couch, find time to watch your favorite movie with the ones you love or make your home more comfy by wearing your pajamas around the house. These little feelings of being free and comfortable can help you obtain this lifestyle.
What do you think about hygge? How are you going to try to create these moments of comfort and happiness in your own life? If you need help getting started, simply try to set aside time every day to enjoy the comfort and coziness of your home. Just remember to embrace hygge and enjoy the small things in life.
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