Interior designers have many features they try to balance when creating a space. Theme, purpose, inspiration, and mood all have significant influences on the room. You can create these influences through your flooring, paint, furnishing, and architecture. Yet, to fully expose and create these elements, interior designers will add décor. Décor can help enhance all the design elements you have added to the room. You will create harmony and the connective tissue that forms a well-round design. Here are several ways interior designers will use décor to improve a room’s design:
Decorating a room can be a fun experience to help express your style through the design. Interestingly, interior designers and interior decorators are not interchangeable words. Interior designers have more schooling and have a greater understanding of floor plans and architecture. So, in theory, decorating can be a little less complicated than some of the other attributes; however, it is still very important.
Focus on Me
You will want to use your décor to enhance your theme and mood. Consider distributing the visual weight in the room. Do not put all your décor in one area or clutter a spot. Even distribution will allow the theme to flow freely throughout the design. You may also want one of your décor pieces to become a focal point–this should be easily noticeable. You will want the other decor pieces in the room complement or accentuate the focal point’s features.
Prints and Patterns
You can harmonize your décor through colors, materials, or even patterns. For instance, if your room has all its décor pieces in stainless steel, they will all balance one another. The same works with patterned pieces like throw pillows and curtains with identical prints or colors. Your décor should work with the room and with one another. Items should never be competing for attention. That being said, do not go overboard with décor either, most of the times, less is more when designing a space.
The Rule of 3’s
If you want to display some décor pieces, consider creating a three-piece triangle. This has been proven to look more visually aesthetic than one small piece standing alone or two pieces next to each other. The rule of threes will give little décor depth and allow the heights to be noticed. You can also buy a large décor piece to make a statement and purchase less décor.
Designing and decorating your space is an art. Trial and error may occur, but merely rearranging or reorganizing a room’s décor can change the appearance and flow. We encourage you to get out there and play around with design. Remember, it is all about perspective.
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