Proper maintenance is essential to get the most longevity and use out of anything in your home. Most flooring does not come with an instruction manual upon installation; therefore, knowing how to clean each floor in your home properly can allow you to get the most out of it. Have no fear, because we are here to help you learn how to get every floor in your home looking beautiful.
Hardwood is an organic flooring material. Whether solid or engineered, it can be scratched and gouged, so first you will want to remove any dust or dirt using a broom. You can use a damp mop or swifter to clean the floor. It is to be noted; water does not mix well with wood. Over-saturating the product can cause warping or shifting in the planks. If you are looking for an all-natural solution, try mixing warm water and vinegar but always remember that your floors are completely dry once you are finished.
Most carpet can be cleaned with a traditional vacuum cleaner. Some carpet fibers can do not do well with a beater bar, so test it in a discrete area before use. If you have a stain or a smell you are trying to eliminate in the rug, you can let baking soda sit on it until it is absorbed. Different stains need to be treated differently. For more advice on stain removal for your carpet, ask one of our carpet sales representatives or your carpet manufacturer.
Remove all the loose dust and dirt using a broom and a dustpan. Using a mild detergent and warm water, you can mop your tile floors. For tougher areas, you can use white vinegar and water or create a baking soda paste and scrub the tiles with a sponge. Remember, tile is very durable, but can still be scratched. Do not use a wired brush or anything that may damage the product.
We love our floors, so it is time we start cleaning them like we do. Some floorings will have recommended cleaners to use from their manufacturer. Check with your sales representative if you have a question about any products. For more insight on how to clean your flooring, make sure to subscribe.
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