Lighting can play a huge factor in the overall design of a room. Poor lighting can make an environment feel dreary and lifeless whereas a well-lit space can feel rejuvenating. Light is directly correlated with the room’s ambiance and overall feel. However, you do not need to break the bank to fix a poor lighting situation. Simply by changing your light bulbs, you can entirely change the feel of an atmosphere. Here are some common alternative light bulb selections and the benefits they can have on your home:
Fluorescent Lights
Fluorescent lights are ideal for homes with plant growth inside them, especially flowering plants. These lights produce less heat than average incandescent light bulbs. This makes the bulbs take a little bit longer to reach their full illumination power but can also save you on energy.
LED Lights
LED bulbs are excellent for saving energy, saving nearly 90% more energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, these lights have a much longer life span and can save you money and maintenance cost. They have no warm up time and are incredibly bright. These bright white lights have a more artificial feel, however, are great for adding energy to dim areas.
Halogen Lights
Halogen lights are a variation of incandescent lighting. These will have the most authentic light feel and highly represent the natural lighting of the sun. These burn at higher temperatures than most bulbs. These need to be handled with care because just the oil from our hands can cause these light bulbs to overheat and burn out quickly. They are dimmer than LED but an excellent choice for a more natural looking light selection.
Simple changes to your light bulbs in a room can make a world of a difference. Try changing lights to bright white or natural tint yellow to change your atmosphere. You can even use colored bulb options for the holidays or in environments you want to add a unique flair.
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