Tired of pin the tail on the donkey? Try this energetic game for kids. It’s incredibly easy to set up, and it amuses all who are present in the room! It’s much harder than it sounds when you explain it to the kids, so everyone is soon belly laughing when it starts to go awry. The fact that it’s so challenging also allows for the kids to have long lasting fun.
Witches Broom Balloon Race
- Purchase orange, purple and black balloons and blow them up. Don’t use helium. Buy enough balloons for each child to have three, in case one pops mid-race.
- Purchase “witch” brooms from the holiday section at the store. Make sure they’re kid sized. Preferably not taller than the child using it. Avoid bristly brooms that are designed for actual function because they will pop the balloons. Opt for something like holiday tinsel or yarn brooms. Also purchase witch hats so each child can wear one.
- Locate an indoor space that will allow the children enough distance for a race. (This game doesn’t work as well outdoors.)
- Put everyone on the starting line and give each child a balloon. Instruct them to sweep the balloon all the way to finish line using their witch broom. This can include going down hallways, up stairs, and so on. (Set rules about not swinging the brooms at each other and being careful about those around you. Otherwise the game can go from witches broom to samurai warrior real fast!)
- Sit back and giggle as they discover just how hard this is going to be! The younger they are, the more mystified they’ll be by the challenge.
Make sure to have your camera ready for this game. You don’t want to miss the priceless candid shots you’ll be able to capture. Better yet, take video!
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